Real Planner Spotlight: Hilary Young
The Real Planner Spotlight is a series where we feature how our customers are using their Balance Bound Planners — getting messy and real, planning their days with our four signature sections, carving out time for self-care, and making the flexible layout of the Balance Bound Planner work for them. In this edition, we are thrilled to welcome Hilary Young to the blog.
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Photo by Nichole MCH Photography
Name: Hilary Young
Age: 38
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Occupation: Founder of Hilary Young Creative, a branding and creative strategy consultancy
Instagram: @hilaryyoungcreative
Twitter: @hyoungcreative
Balance Bound Cover Design: In 2020, I chose the Colorful Stripe but in 2021, I decided to mix it up and go with one of the new designs, Fresh Blossoms. Can you tell that I love color?
Photo by DOLA Photography
why did the Balance Bound Planner first appeal to you?
I first found out about Balance Bound Planner through one of its co-founders, Brooke Forry, at an event for women business owners. When she told me that she had created a planner that built in time for self-care, my interest was piqued. One of my greatest struggles is walking the tightrope that is running a business and being a mom.
On an average week, who are your “others” — the people you care for and/or make time for?
My girls are 6 and almost 3, and this past year was especially challenging for my husband and I to manage working from home, troubleshooting virtual learning, entertaining a toddler, taking care of the house, and managing everyone’s emotions. I’m actually impressed we made it through this past year without being the subject of a Lifetime TV movie or an HBO documentary.
Photo by Nichole MCH Photography
Photo courtesy Hilary Young
On an average week, what do you do to take care of yourself? What do you need to do to ensure that you set that non-negotiable time aside?
I’ll be honest, my self-care has been almost non-existent during the pandemic. Pre-pandemic, my self-care consisted of monthly brunches with friends, massages, and plenty of exercise (I loved Freehouse Fitness which sadly closed as a result of the pandemic, and took weekly classes at Pure Barre and Three Queens Yoga), but that all fell by the wayside as a result of the pandemic. I’ve been able to do Pure Barre virtually, and we ended up buying a Peloton last fall which has been my saving grace. No matter which workout I do, it requires A LOT of planning ahead to ensure that I won’t have small children climbing or hanging on me throughout the experience.
I’ve also been trying to make more time for reading books instead of mindlessly scrolling through my Instagram feed, taking Sunday bubble baths, and taking long walks through my neighborhood listening to podcasts. This year made me realize that even small things, like a solo walk through my neighborhood, can be a form of self-care and it’s super important to make time for it. Being a working mom nearly broke me this year, and I’ve never needed to invest in my own self-care more than right now.
A week in progress — photo courtesy Hilary Young
How do you use the four sections each day?
I color code everything! It allows me to really have a solid understanding of my day at a quick glance. My husband has also started swinging by my desk in the mornings to see what I have going on (because, you know, life is busy with two working parents and two kids! Our shared Google calendar doesn't always cut it.) and because of the color coding, he can easily see what my day will be like.
How do you use the free space at the bottom of each page?
I use it in different ways each week. Sometimes I use it as a place for work reminders, jot down non-work-related notes (like book and podcast recommendations), or keep a to-do list for my momming activities (like the covid-safe tea party we’re planning in Fairmount Park for my oldest’s 6th birthday this weekend).
Sometimes, though, I also notice that it’s a place where my children can come scribble when they’re patiently waiting for me to finish a phone call for work. And now that my oldest daughter is reading and writing, she’ll leave me little notes (like “I love you Mom”) which makes me smile. The more I write about how I use my planner, the more I am realizing that it’s really something my whole family gets value from!
Photo courtesy Hilary Young
Any other tips, tricks, planner hacks, or details about your planner/photos that you’d like to share?
I abandoned my Fil-o-fax decades ago to go all digital and I was a little hesitant about how effective an “old school” planner would be. I was surprised by how much I loved it, and how essential it quickly became to my daily life. It’s really not something that has replaced all my digital organizational tools, but rather, my Balance Bound Planner really enhances all of those tools by creating a singular space for everything to go. It’s basically an analog app that I can’t live without now!
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Thank you so much for sharing, Hilary! If you’d like to contribute to the Real Planner Spotlight series, please drop us a note.
Ready to test out the Balance Bound Planner to see how it can work for you? Enter your name and email address in our footer below and we will send you a FREE, abridged, weekday, printable layout to test for yourself. And don’t forget to explore the shop.