Four Reasons to Choose a Word, Phrase, or Theme of the Year
by Brooke Forry
My word of the year last year was CONNECTION — at the time, I wrote that I wanted to “slow down and feel more connected to my work, my family, my friends, my body.” Little did I know that two months into 2020 we’d all be forced to slow down in a way we never expected.
Looking back, though, I realize that many of my overarching hopes to have more connection in my life did come to fruition:
It wasn’t always pretty and definitely not what I had in mind, but I certainly spent more time connecting with my family than ever before. We enjoyed slower mornings with nowhere to go, had more dinners at home together since all social and extracurricular activities came to a halt, and created some new family rituals and routines to help us get through each hour/day/week/month.
With several slow months of Curious & Co. work after the pandemic began, getting immersed in creating the 2021 Balance Bound Planner collection gave me a much needed escape, sense of purpose, and connection to something I feel passionate about.
I missed seeing my local friends terribly, but found new ways to connect with them that didn’t involve restaurants, did (safely) involve the great outdoors, and rarely required me to change out of my comfy clothes.
I made daily exercise an integral part of my routine, forging a better mind-body connection within myself, and found great stress release in the process.
Photo by Sarah McKay Photography
Did the word CONNECTION itself motivate me or remain fresh in my mind each day? Not necessarily, but in hindsight it has certainly given me a unique perspective on what 2020 looked like.
Here are four great reasons to choose a word, phrase, or theme of the year:
It can serve as a great reminder throughout the year — perhaps of what was lacking in your life last year, what you’re craving more of this year, or an ultimate goal for how you want to live your life.
It can become an encouraging mantra that you repeat to yourself when life feels difficult, you’ve lost sight of what’s important, the world feels overwhelming, or you need an extra nudge of motivation.
When you choose a word, phrase, or theme of the year, often you will see or hear it pop up at unexpected times around you, serving as little reminders that you are moving forward on the right path.
It will create a foundation for reflection when the year is over.
I haven’t written it down in my Balance Bound Planner yet (so it’s not 100% final!), but the word I keep coming back to for 2021 is BUILD.
I want to continue building the Balance Bound line of products to be a successful revenue stream for our company with impactful products that help people create more balance in their lives.
I aim to build a home that I love and feel more pride in. (Sidenote: we are not literally building a home or even moving, but reimagining and redecorating our current home in a way that brings more joy and comfort).
I am continuing to build movement into my daily routine to feel stronger and healthier.
I want to continue building upon the relationships that brought me much needed happiness, laughter, and comfort last year.
Did you choose a word, phrase, or theme for 2021? If you haven’t chosen one yet, are you planning to?