Setting Goals (and a Free Printable Goal Tracker!)
by Brooke Forry
Are you a big time goal setter? I used to be pretty overwhelmed by setting goals, until I realized that setting practical goals helps me to stay on task with certain things that need to get done (like getting a new passport, finding a financial planner, or finally starting to make some family photo books — three things that were on my list of 2020 goals). I’ve also found that I’m very motivated to achieve incremental goals that I can keep track of visually throughout the year.
In 2020, it became abundantly clear to me how integral daily exercise is to my overall well-being — not just physical, but emotional well-being. Shifting from group fitness to in-home workouts after the Covid lockdown was a huge adjustment for me as I really love my local group fitness studio, but once I found a rhythm with their streaming workouts and got used to working out at home, it was a complete game changer. I actually exercised more in 2020 than any year, ever. I felt healthier, stronger, and, most importantly, a lot less overwhelmed by the state of the world.
I’m still working on my overall goals for 2021 (slow and steady is how I roll), but one thing I’ve already decided is that I’d like to complete 300 workouts this year.
That’s 5-6 workouts a week, which is roughly what I have been doing since last April, just without actually keeping track. It is attainable, but will also surely feel challenging at times when I may be tempted to take a few days in a row off. (I guess that’s the point of making it a goal, so I don’t get complacent!)
My printable goal tracker, trimmed and taped to the inside of my 2021 Balance Bound Planner.
To help me keep track and stay motivated to achieve this incremental goal, I created a visual goal tracker that I printed and taped to the inside of my Balance Bound Planner. Being able to see it every day is already sparking lots of joy and motivating me to keep going… even when I would really prefer to sleep in and ignore my 7am workout alarm.
Now you can use the yearly goal tracker, too — just enter your name and email address below to download your free printable.
After you submit your info, links to download the printable worksheets will appear in the space below. You can choose between an 8.5” x 11” layout that is great for putting on your fridge or desk, or a smaller, 6” x 8” version that you can trim and affix to the inside cover of your Balance Bound Planner! There are also layouts with and without the circles numbered, depending on your preference.